1:21 I'm done for the day-thanks for coming see you next week-take a course
1:20 I think I'm going to pass on this trade due to low volatility
1:03 pretty grim intraday volatility today - second trade may be a pass unless we get some juice
12:47 sometimes volume dries up on Friday afternoons
12:44 covering this trade for +2; just nervous about the stall
12:30 coming into the second trade window soon - I may carry this trade throught if it keeps working
12:24 Venus setting high so far-need to get above it
12:20 "If you can wait, and not be tired by waiting - " IF, by Rudyard Kipling
12:14 stop to 1380, lock .5
12:04 today Moon opposes Saturn- overhead their flux is about 1391
12:02 stop to 1379.5 , break even
12:00 I like that the rising 110 EXMA has supported this congestion
11:56 updated FOP chart in CCT Room
11:52 very tight congestion between Chiron and Neptune flux
11:33 eMylar Fractal of Pi overlays help you be patient, since they show you future potential moves.
The best bargain in my courses is to take the Cash In On Chaos and Fractal of Pi courses and
learn to use the FOP overlay
11:32 congestions take patience - 440 EXMA is steadily up
11:25 I'm holding my stop, trying to get past this congestion
11:18 pullback from Venus +V000 to Neptune +N090 electric field flux
11:10 still OK-fell off the Black Swan cycle
10:50 stop to 1378.5
10:38 this move looks to have caught a Dr. Al Black Swan up cycle, so could be an interesting day
10:35 stop to 1378-under the accelerating 110
10:32 looking better - stop to 1377
10:27 looking more bullish as 440 and 110 EXMAs keep rising
10:23 updated my FOP chart in the CCT Room
10:10 still OK-MTRainbow chart still positive-support on rising 440 EXMA
9:56 still OK
9:47 could have waited - stop OK
9:36 taking as continuation buy at 1379.5 stop 1376 - on MTRainbow chart support on both 110 and 440 EXMAs
9:35 and resumed
9:34 buying faded quickly
9:31 outcry session open- some buying in an extended move off yesterday's low
9:27 I have posted a second chart in the CCT Room
9:22 today is almost New Moon, with Moon +T090 flux and Sun +H000 flux near 1373 and 1374. These
prices are support. See SPSunMoonMer chart
9:16 I have placed a Fractal of Pi chart in the Certified Chaos Trader's Room. That room is open
to graduates of my 4 main courses. See http://moneytide.com -> Courses for details.
9:10 today's trade times are 10:12 and 13:17 ; no economic news, so may be dull day
9:01 Good Morning. Welcome to the Chaos Clinic. This site has a lot of charts,
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For astro stuff, add SPSunMoonMer, Wheel, and Chaos Clinic.
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resonant hex pattern on the Wheel page. Trading tutorials
are on the righty side of the ListOfCharts page. One should
read Trading the MoonTide Tutorial and Keep it Simple as a minimum.
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments