      Moon, Pluto, and Powell Create Chaos In the S&P
      Chaos Clinic For 04/19/2024

This week, the S&P was very volatile, thanks to the Moon, Pluto, and Mr. Powell.
Monday was pretty dull and quiet, but Tuesday was a volatile drop. The ephemeris
at the top of the page shows that on Tuesday, the Moon conjoined Pluto, and squared

The chart shows the S&P futures, Moon electric field flux lines, and Pluto flux lines.
Points of interest are numbered on the chart. These are not any sort of wave count.
The rainbow of EXMAs are the 440 , 220, 110, and 20 minute EXMAS used on

Early Tuesday, at 1, prices tested the -Ph135 flux line. Then a sharp drop occurred.
Prices dropped through the +Ph135,then rallied a bit into the T090/V000 time line at 2.
Prices declined from there down to the -Ph000/-T090 flux lines at 3. That was the
Venus square Pluto part of the ephemeris pattern. Prices were 45 degrees
down from the morning high.

After a rally up to the down 220 minute EXMA, prices dropped below the -Ph000
and -T000 flux at 4. Passing the T135 time line, prices dropped into the close at 5.
Prices reached the -Ph045 flux line, down a harmonic 90 points ( a square) from the
morning high, This was a powerful demonstration of how the ephemeris pattern can show up in prices.

Tuesday's volatility was especially unusual, in that Tuesday was the first day of an FOMC meeting,
which is usually dull, as everyone waits for the Fed announcement and press conference. That dullness
was present Wednesday morning, as prices rallied off the -T045 flux at 6, traveled along the -Ph045 flux,
then dropped into the low at 7 on the Sun time line.

At 8, prices started up with the FOMC announcement and press conference. They peaked at 9,
right where the 20 minute EXMA turned down at the +Ph135 flux line. The drop retraced all of
the rally, breaking below the +Ph00 at 10, down to the -Ph045 at 11.

This Powell Pump and Dump followed the -MoonTide forecast. But what is most interesting is that
Powell begins with P, just like Pluto. And the phrase "Pump and dumP" begins and ends with P.
Coincidence? What do you think?

For more on my work and to subscribe to Tomorrow's Market Email Hotline and access to see
Software to plot electric field flux lines in NinjaTrader is available at

Below is one of the SPKISS charts from
and the chat room comments from this Chaos Clinic. Most recent comment is on top.

5/3/2024 12:49:06 PM MT Al****:: I'm done for the day-thanks for coming-see you next week-take some courses
5/3/2024 12:47:34 PM MT Al****:: on secret->esnat360 the magenta level was resistance
5/3/2024 12:43:13 PM MT Al****:: there may be more, but it is late and I am tired; +24 is fine with me
5/3/2024 12:41:20 PM MT Al****:: covered my long 5158.60 long from 5134.5
5/3/2024 12:35:11 PM MT Al****:: which is right on +Ph180 flux
5/3/2024 12:33:24 PM MT Al****:: now pressing on R2 and esnat72 green level
5/3/2024 12:14:08 PM MT Al****:: on SPKISS chart 4 note the magenta push ball near 11:00
prices turned up there on R1
5/3/2024 12:10:07 PM MT Al****:: nice steady rally - SPKISS chart 3 show 110 and 220 EXMAs as straight lines
5/3/2024 11:58:32 AM MT Al****:: there it is
5/3/2024 11:48:04 AM MT Al****:: I expect a third wave of buying to come in about 1:52
5/3/2024 11:43:37 AM MT Al****:: Uranus timeline added energy; continuation buy at MoonTide trade time
I'm already long - pressing stop on the 220
5/3/2024 11:32:16 AM MT Al****:: note the 36/220 EXMAs colored the bars up near 4 AM and they are still up
the 220 EXMA is a good stop guide when trying to hold a position
5/3/2024 11:05:27 AM MT Al****:: 110 EXMA was support
5/3/2024 11:00:25 AM MT Al****:: I'm looking for buying to come in at solar noon 13:00
5/3/2024 10:51:59 AM MT Al****:: last minor high is selling coming at time of the CTMC cycle

5/3/2024 10:39:40 AM MT Al****:: Venus added energy
5/3/2024 10:25:54 AM MT Al****:: coming to the Venus timeline -trend is up
5/3/2024 9:40:50 AM MT Al****:: I used flux lines and the levels on secret->esnat72 to find support levels
5/3/2024 9:38:18 AM MT Al****:: the knowledge of when the second wave of buying would come in came from doing my own homework in the Chaos Trading Made Easy course
5/3/2024 9:32:02 AM MT Al****:: chart 3 on SPKISS shows the pullback found support on the 220 minute EXMA
5/3/2024 9:29:49 AM MT Al****:: today there is no early MoonTide trade, so one had to use basic thrust, pullback logic
5/3/2024 9:23:28 AM MT Al****:: there is the Mercury juice
5/3/2024 9:17:47 AM MT Al****:: there it is - now Mercury timeline should add energy
5/3/2024 8:55:58 AM MT Al****:: watch for more buying to com in near 11:10
5/3/2024 8:48:09 AM MT Al****:: support was on the Sun +Hh225, and on esnat72 up 4 levels, down 2; about 50% correction
5/3/2024 8:00:00 AM MT Al****:: running the chart I'm watching in the Certified Chaos Trader Room
5/3/2024 7:58:11 AM MT Al****:: up to +Ph180, may reach +Ph225
5/3/2024 6:46:31 AM MT Al****:: note on Secret->esnat72 that prices ran right up the vertical white line
that line is a Pluto Moon cycle time
5/3/2024 6:26:29 AM MT Al****:: Good Morning visitors. Welcome to the Chaos Clinic. The written Chaos Clinic is on the AUX page.

This site has a lot of charts,
so you may find it useful to have several of them available within your
browser. If you have a tabbed browser, you can open separate charts
in separate tabs by right clicking on any link, and selecting "open in new tab"
from the menu. The main list of site pages is at
Recommended pages to watch are SPKISS, MTRainbow, and Chat.
For astro stuff, add SPSunMoon, Wheel, and Chaos Clinic.
A special set of Dr. Al's research charts are on the Secret page.

Comments in the chat room are announced by a
"duck call" noise. This noise also occurs when the software detects a
resonant hex pattern on the Wheel page. MoonTide trading tutorials
are on the right side of the ListOfCharts page. One should
read Trading the MoonTide Tutorial and Keep it Simple as a minimum.

Many subscribers do not strictly trade the MoonTides, but use the charts on this
site as input to their own trading strategies. For example, charts 5 and 6 on the
SPKiss page are a good starting point for swing traders.

Also on this site is the Certified Chaos Trader's Room. That room is open
to graduates of my 4 main courses. See -> Courses for details.

5/3/2024 5:29:05 AM MT oag****:: Good morning everyone! Hope everyone has a prosperous day!

9:00 Eastern-System: No comments

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