Chaos Clinic Recap

Here are Al's comments
A Failed S&P Breakout
Chaos Clinic 9/7/2018
The S&P futures made an early 2018 high January 29th near 2880.
In August, it broke above that high, making a top on the 29th.
Since then, the S&P has declined in a steady move, dropping
below 2880. This looks like a failed break out. A long
term double top may be in place.
The number 2880 is interesting, because it is 8x360, or 8
circles. Divided by 10 it is 288, 4/5 of a circle. That is
the inverse of the C major chord ratio in the musical scale.
W.D. Gann was a big fan of the number 8. He recommended
dividing ranges by 8 to find the intermediate resistance levels.
In my own astro work, I have found the 8th harmonic very strong.
August is month 8.
On the 15th of March, I talked to my brother Arden, whose birthday
is August 15th. He reminded me that in 1987 the market topped in
August. It topped August 25th, while I was on vacation. This
year it topped August 29th, while I was on vacation. So I was currious
about the interval between these two tops.
The interval is 2.5 (5/2 ratio) Jupiter/Pluto cycles, 2 Uranus/Node cycles,
2 Jupiter/Chiron cycles, 1.6666 ( 5/3 ratio -think Fibonacci ), and
1/2 of the Pluto/Chiron cycle. Looking at the helio ephemeris for 8/29/2018
I see a Jupiter/Chiron/Node trine. The Chiron/Node side is bisected by Mercury,
which is opposing Jupiter. The Jupiter/Chiron side is bisected by Venus.
These bisections create frequency doubling, a precursor to chaos.
Venus is square Uranus, and opposes the Node. Mercury opposes Jupiter, squares
Mars, octiles Moon (1/8th) and Saturn (3/8). The Mercury/Venus cycle is
144 days. 144x2=288. Finally, Pluto is pentile Chiron. and square Moon.
So there are harmonic of 3,4, 5, and 8.
One of my Certified Chaos Traders (DBJ) has for some time been posting Fractal
of Pi and Face of God Charts on the 24/7 Certified Chaos Trader's Room, showing
a high on 9/4/2018, just a 3 trading days from the actual high.
Fundamentally, the tax cut has been used by many corporations to buy back stock,
rather than pay employees better. This has artificially inflated earnings.
Add in this morning's Employment report selloff, and continued political turmoil,
and we have the makings of chaos.
Nothing is guaranteed, but this sure smells like a major top.
Besides the comments made by Al, the chat room is has live
comments from other traders who sometimes share their views,
trades and tips. Below are the chat room comments from this clinic
9/7/2018 2:06:29 PM MT bbb****:: Nice times today - just watched. have a good one!
9/7/2018 2:02:02 PM MT TG****:: You too Al
9/7/2018 2:00:28 PM MT Al****:: Have a good weekend everyone
9/7/2018 1:54:31 PM MT Al****:: yes
9/7/2018 1:36:07 PM MT TG****:: ... 3:30 EST, go to even. Seems like if I try to hold stubbornly through that time on a tepid trade it's usually ugly.
9/7/2018 1:34:43 PM MT TG****:: Been on green tide all day. Stopped out again. Got me for two commissions on that trade time. I try to follow a rule that if I'm up a little on a trade approaching
9/7/2018 1:25:16 PM MT Al****:: from high, thrust down, ABC; second thrust possible 4 hours
from first one since had Hex pattern ; 24 hours /6 = 4
9/7/2018 1:19:33 PM MT Al****:: I'm just sitting tight
9/7/2018 1:15:35 PM MT TG****:: I bought the 20/110 cross. Not a great entry at 73.75, seemed like it was failing to hold the 440, went to even too quickly and stopped out. I guess I didn't want the last trade of the week to be a loss. Then it made me look silly for going to such a tight stop too quickly. Rebought 74.75, stop at even again.
9/7/2018 12:43:48 PM MT Al****:: also 50% retrace
9/7/2018 12:41:42 PM MT Al****:: Hex resonance on Wheel of 72
9/7/2018 10:44:45 AM MT Al****:: for me, this is a position trade; stop 2880
9/7/2018 10:26:46 AM MT Al****:: on Secret ->esnat72 the vertical lines later today could provide a lot of energy for the down move
9/7/2018 10:11:42 AM MT Al****:: the rest of the day may get wild
9/7/2018 10:10:06 AM MT Al****:: set my stop to 2882
9/7/2018 10:00:02 AM MT Al****:: on Secret->esNat72 rally went 2 white vibration levels ; about 18 points; tested yesterday's late high; sold 2828.33 using 10 minute candles
9/7/2018 8:38:59 AM MT Al****:: today's pivot about 2880. rally S1 to Pivot. High on Moom flux crossover
9/7/2018 7:24:54 AM MT Al****:: clinic comments posted to AUX page
9/7/2018 7:19:26 AM MT TG****:: Good Morning BBB, Al, Everyone. Good luck today.
9/7/2018 7:18:38 AM MT Gon:: Good morning all.
9/7/2018 7:11:27 AM MT Al****:: GM all. Working on my Clinic post. Will have it up soon.
Good to see you BBB.
9/7/2018 6:42:21 AM MT bbb****:: Good morning Al, TG, etc. hope all is well
9:00 Eastern-System: No comments
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