      Interesting Pattern In Apple
      Chaos Clinic For 9/13/2024

This daily chart shows two years of Apple stock. It shows an interesting
pattern. Why are the two prominent highs both in July?

Below the price chart is the natal chart for Apple. Around
the natal chart is the circle of the year, helpful for finding annual patterns.

Apple stock looks to be in move 4 of 7 in an up Chaos Clamshell starting with the
1/4/2023 low. That point in time is show by the arrow A, essentially natal Mars, R.
In price, this was near the natal Node, O.

The following rally ran up to 7/21/2023. This is near the arrow B, which is on the
5/8 point of the red octagon, which is set up by natal Mercury and Pluto. The
arrow C is on the 3/8 point of that octagon, opposite natal Pluto.

On the wheel of the year, this is close to the 4/22/2024 low of move 2. This point
is on the trine corner of the green hexagon formed by natal Sun/Neptune, the Moon,T,
natal Node, and Pluto, P. This hexagon then synchronizes with octagon in April.

The rally to the high 3 ran up to 7/16/2024. Price was close to natal Venus,V,
amd Uranus, U, and square natal Moon.

This suggests a pullback in a move 4, running into April to 2025, with price near
205, set by natal Pluto. We shall see.

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Software to plot electric field flux lines in NinjaTrader is available at

Below is one of the SPKISS charts from
and the chat room comments from this Chaos Clinic. Most recent comment is on top.

9/13/2024 10:54:42 AM MT Al****:: from here I expect the market to be flat, so I'm going to call it a day
thanks for coming-see you next week-take some courses
9/13/2024 10:51:44 AM MT Al****:: I had a small long based on the rally carrying over into today
I covered it for +6 when I saw that top
9/13/2024 10:42:18 AM MT Al****:: I did not expect much of a day given that the only MoonTide trade is in the afternoon, which is typically dull on Fridays
9/13/2024 10:29:19 AM MT Al****:: peaked on Mercury and Moon timelines - see SPSunMoon chart
9/13/2024 9:12:00 AM MT Al****:: I put a Face Of God chart in the CCT Room
9/13/2024 8:21:53 AM MT Al****:: Chart 5 on SPKISS shows it too
9/13/2024 7:57:22 AM MT Al****:: chart 3 SPKISS shows rally continuing
9/13/2024 6:36:24 AM MT Al****:: Good Morning visitors. Welcome to the Chaos Clinic. The written Chaos Clinic is on the AUX page.

This site has a lot of charts,
so you may find it useful to have several of them available within your
browser. If you have a tabbed browser, you can open separate charts
in separate tabs by right clicking on any link, and selecting "open in new tab"
from the menu. The main list of site pages is at
Recommended pages to watch are SPKISS, MTRainbow, and Chat.
For astro stuff, add SPSunMoon, Wheel, and Chaos Clinic.
A special set of Dr. Al's research charts are on the Secret page.

Comments in the chat room are announced by a
"duck call" noise. This noise also occurs when the software detects a
resonant hex pattern on the Wheel page. MoonTide trading tutorials
are on the right side of the ListOfCharts page. One should
read Trading the MoonTide Tutorial and Keep it Simple as a minimum.

Many subscribers do not strictly trade the MoonTides, but use the charts on this
site as input to their own trading strategies. For example, charts 5 and 6 on the
SPKiss page are a good starting point for swing traders.

Also on this site is the Certified Chaos Trader's Room. That room is open
to graduates of my 4 main courses. See -> Courses for details.

9/13/2024 5:30:33 AM MT oag****:: Good morning everyone! Hope everyone has a prosperous day!

9:00 Eastern-System: No comments

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