FREE Weekly Email from

To receive our free weekly email, please complete the following form. When we receive your request, your free weeklt email will be set up. On Thursday nights, you will receive our free weekly newsletter, and free copies of our hotline emails for Friday. On Friday you can join us for our free Chaos Clinic at

Once you are in our database, you will have the ability to turn your free weekly email on and off. You will also be able to change your email address, and other information.

Also, once you are in our database, you can access a free trading course called
Trading the Chaos Clamshell

Our first step is to see if you are already in our database. We do this to avoid duplicate records, which give us problems in providing you good customer service. If you are in our database, we ask you to check that your data is current. If you are not, you will be given a chance to put your information into our database. This is all done over a secure link to protect your privacy. Also, we never share your information with anyone.

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