"Millionaires don't use astrology. Billionaires do."
J. P. Morgan
Dr. Hannula's research has scientifically proven that the CHAOS that
occurs in markets is caused by the sharp changes in the earth's electromagnetic
field, which in turn are caused by the changes in solar energy, which in turn
are caused by the motions of the planets. So knowing where the planets are
is the first step in understanding markets.
The Trader's Ephemeris (Ephi) is a simple but powerful tool for researching planetary
effects in markets. It is an MS-DOS program designed to be run from the command
line and from a .BAT batch file. It computes where the planets are
both heliocentrically (sun centered) and geocentrically (earth centered)
and the angles or aspects between all of them. Various output formats are available,
including a spreadsheet format. Simple searching can also be done.
You can download a trial copy of this ephemeris. It works just like the
real thing, except that the year is fixed at 1995. You download it to a
directory (folder) and run it from a MS-DOS prompt. You type in the command line
according to the format you want, as explained below. Even though the
year part of the date is fixed, you still have to type in the year.
Download the Trial Version (102kb)
Ephi is capable of doing many different things, depending on what you type on the command line. Several different formats give you many ways to control ephi's output. The many ways are:
1. ephi smonth sday syear emonth eday eyear
gives one page per day from starting date to ending date
Where the year must include 19, as in 1988
To print out to your printer, just redirect as in
ephi startmonth startday startyear endmonth endday endyear > prn:
To print out to a file, just redirect as in
ephi startmonth startday startyear endmonth endday endyear > filename
2. ephi month day year gives one page for one day
The above formats default to 17:00 UT, which is noon on Wall Street. To do a different time, use formats 3 or 4.
3. ephi month day year hour minute
gives one page for one day at exact time rather than 17:00 UT
4. ephi smonth sday syear emonth eday eyear hour minute
gives multiple days at exact time rather than 17:00 UT
5. ephi smonth sday syear emonth eday eyear planet1 planet2 aspect g_or_h
does search for given aspect between planet where: m=mercury, v=venus, e=earth, r=mars, j=jupiter, s=saturn, u=uranus, n=neptune, p=pluto, t=terrestrial (inertial space)moon, o=moon's north node, y=synodic (full,new) moon, and h=sun. g_or_h must be g for geocentric and h for heliocentric
EXAMPLE: to find full moons
ephi 1 1 1989 1 1 1990 t e 0 h < (use t e 180 h for new moons )
If p1 is equal to p2, you can look for a particular longitude of a planet
EXAMPLE: to find when Mars is at 77 degrees heliocentric
ephi 1 1 1989 3 1 1989 r r 77 h
6. ephi smonth sday syear emonth eday eyear planet1 planet2 g_or_h
prints all key aspects (0,30,45,60,etc) of the two planets (if they are the same, prints that planet)
7. ephi smonth sday syear emonth eday eyear sc_or_st_or_ss
prints all planets at 00:00 UT in 25 column spreadsheet format ,where sc separates with commas (Lotus, Basic,etc) ,st separates with tabs (Excel) and ss separates with spaces.
8. ephi smonth sday syear emonth eday eyear plan1 plan2 cc_or_ct_cs g_or_h
gives a continuous print of the aspect between planets at 00:00 UT in 4 column spreadsheet format,where cc separates with commas (Lotus, Basic,etc),ct separates with tabs (Excel) and ss separates with spaces. This give a nice format for graphing any aspect as a continuous plot, or may be used for interpolating positions for intraday trading, etc.
9. To get today's ephi for noon New York (assuming your computer time is valid)
ephi today
gives one page printout for 17:00 UT for date given by the computer
This is great to put in your autoexec.bat file to print today's ephi when you boot your computer.
ephi today > prn:
prints today's ephi on the printer
Miscellaneous information
Angles run from 0 at conjunction to 360 degrees at next conjunction. Standard angles (or "aspect" ) of 0,30,45,60,72,90,120,144,180,210,216,240,270,288,300, and 315 are marked with a * in the printout if the angle between the planets is within 3 degrees. Cycles tend to turn on divisions of the circle according to "harmonic" . The basic cycle is 0-180- 0 degrees. The second harmonic is 0-90-180-270-0 degrees, etc. Cycles can invert on any "aspect" .
The planets are indicated by letters, such as M for Mercury, V for Venus, etc. R is maRs. TM is the moon in inertial space. YM is the synodic, or full/new moon. O is the moon's north node.
Ephi is accurate to under 15 seconds of arc for all bodies for 19xx and 26xx. Accuracy beyond that point is not guaranteed. Use before 1900 will give crazy values for the moon.
You can use DOS's batch processing capability to make several ephi
runs. A batch file that looks as follows finds when Venus moves through
the signs of the Zodiac.
REM note that use > on first sign, >> on others
echo VENUS INTO ARIES > vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 0 g >> vsign.txt
REM must echo the next line to get a new line
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO TAURUS >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 30 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO GEMINI >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 60 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO CANCER >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 90 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO LEO >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 120 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO VIRGO >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 150 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO LIBRA >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 180 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO SCORPIO >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 210 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO SAGITARIUS >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 240 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO CAPRICORN >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 270 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO AQUARIUS >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 300 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
echo VENUS INTO PISCES >> vsign.txt
ephi 1 1 1992 1 1 1993 v v 330 g >> vsign.txt
echo UT --- >>vsign.txt
Download the Trial Version (102kb)