Yes You Can... Cash In On Chaos!


Feb 2, 2001

Last week, on the 26th, I posted these two charts in the FOGGER's room, along with the corresponding Face of God charts used to analyse these markets.

In each case, I used my new "Magi Method" to find out what cycle each market was tuning into. Then I used that knowledge to filter that cycle from the XGO energy function. That gave me a forecast for the behavior of the market after it passed the Strange Attractor/Strange Repellor.

On our position trading hotline, we we short wheat. This chart told me to stay short. We were also short Tbonds, with a tiny gain. This chart told me to reverse to long on Monday.

These two charts show how it came out. Both trades are locked in for a profit, and holding.

Again, "so far, so good." After years of research, hard work, and trading, I've learned to be cautious and patient. Nature does not give up her secrets easily. So when I think I've found one, I want to see it work, and work again. But it this were a first date, I'd be thinking, "This is the girl I want to marry."

I've decided to call this method of combining the Face of God, Chaos Theory, XGO, and my ZD filter, the "Magi Method." It was given to me on Epithany weekend, which celebrated the visit the three Magi made to the Christ child.

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