Al's Professional Profile
Dr. Allen (Al) L. Larson, PhD
pen name: Dr. Hans Hannula
Life Goal: I'm on this earth to help people.
Career Goal: Be a successful entrepreneur
Present Status: President, MicroMedia, semi-retired
Skill Summary:
Master of entire process of commercializing creativity. Have firsthand
experience in education, technical research, invention, product design
(hardware and software), economic forecasting, market research, technical
management, business management (P&L), advertising, marketing, sales,
field support, and end user applications. A generalist with both
depth and breadth. Maintains current skills as an engineer, programmer,
teacher, entrepreneur, futurist, manager, author, market technician,
architect, counsellor, technologist, researcher, and original thinker.
Prefer to be labelled as helpful fellow traveler on planet Earth. Highly
motivated. Broad and detailed technical knowledge in computer and
communications hardware, software, and systems. Very knowledgable
in stock and commodity markets, and technical trading. Known for ability
to make things happen. Very people oriented. Proven team builder.
Motivates others to produce above expectations. Special skills in
handling personnel problems smoothly. Wide ranging knowledge of technology
trends, market opportunities, and business practices. Proven ability
to apply this knowledge to create commercially viable products. Effective
communicator. Author of numerous documents, and director of several
video productions. Known for clarity of thinking and high energy action.
Strive to be world class in all I do. Here to help others.
Work History
4/91-present President, MicroMedia, Denver
5/88-4/91 Supervisor, Advanced Technology Group, AT&T BTL, Denver
1/84- 4/88 Supervisor, Advanced Switching Group, BTL/AT&TIS, Denver
3/81- 1/84 Supervisor, Advanced Technology Group,BTL/AT&TIS, Denver
11/79- 3/81 MTS, Advanced Technology Group, BTL, Denver
11/77-11/79 MTS,Exploratory Systems Group, BTL, Denver
11/75-11/77 Director, Computer Systems Lab., USAF Academy
7/73-11/75 Associate Professor, EE, USAF Academy
11/69- 7/73 Sponsored for Masters and PhD at Univ. of Wisconsin
11/68-11/69 Air Liaison Officer/Forward Air Controller, Vietnam
8/65-11/68 Advanced Jet Instructor Pilot, Craig AFB, Alabama
1960-1964 BS -Engineering Science- USAF Academy-3.69 /4.00,Distinguished
1970-1972 MS -Electrical & Computer Engineering,University of
1972-1973 PhD-Electrical and Computer Engineering,University
of Wisconsin-Madison-4.00/4.00
Hobbies: Personal computing, photography, amateur radio,
ancient astronomy, painting, writing poetry
Certifications: Commercial pilot, registered securities advisor,
commodities trading advisor
4/91-present- President
Built own small business in commodity trading and education. Created
state of the art online multi-processor trading system. Created new
Chaos Model of Markets. Developed neural net forecasting methods.
Provided market forecasts via hotlines, faxout service, and newsletters.
Provided custom programming services. Developed own business web sites.
Offers variety of educational materials including innovative Cash
In On Chaos, Fractal of Pi, Face of God, Chaso Trading Made Easy, and Market Astrophysics courses.
Employment Highlights-AT&T
5/88-4/91-Supervisor, Advanced Technology Group
Conducting work in broadband switching, high speed circuit design,
fiber LAN's (FDDI,etc.), Broadband ISDN, and multimedia communications. Group
invented new broadband switching fabric. Three patents.
Led draft of business and architecture vision document for Strategic
Business Unit. Proposed and sold major evolutionary but new architectural
direction for PBX products.
Proposed and executed new direction in market research. Proposed
innovative Video and Image Phone and managed market research. Managed
creation of innovative FDDI network module. Taught Quality program,
and initiated new design process that cut design time from 2 years
to 90 days. Co-invented and managed development of prototype photonic
switch in 180 staff days, for under $20000. Hosted Photonic Opportunity
Forum and Video Conferencing Opportunity Forum.
4/84-4/88- Supervisor, Video Switching Development Group
Proposed and was chartered with development of a fiber based Video
Information System - new leading edge product for a new AT&T market
segment. Identified customer need, market, and technical solution.
Unique entrepreneurial venture. Successfully managed program from
concept through end use by customers. Wrote business plan proposal
as AT&T New Venture. Personally closed $500,000 sale. Group
received patent on system. Developed Cheetah/Pecos realtime operating
system, which is now recommended as the AT&T OS for embedded systems
as UNIX is for multi-user systems. Designed effective advertising
brochure (with Dreyfus help) and flyer (on my own).
1/83-4/84 -Supervisor, Advanced Switching Group
Supervised the writing of a detailed switch specification for new
generation PBX. Group constructed lab model and supported software
development. Project now under development. Investigated market and
technology issues of video/wideband switching. Began digital video
switch design work. Group developed circuit board CAD tools. Headed
task force to assist Voice Mail project. First proposed and then
supervised proposal phase of Personal Computer Enhanced Telephone
work. Now is AT&T product called PC/PBX Connection. Initiated cost
reduction work to reduce PBX port costs by 4.
3/81-1/83 Supervisor, Advanced Technology Group
Assembled and supervised team that built advanced office automation
demonstration system. System illustrates a user level integrated voice,
data, and video system. System was demonstrated to leading edge customers
in support of System 85 marketing effort. Supervised workstation
hardware design and software development of fast, small operating
system, window package, and applications software. Team introduced
local area networks, bit-mapped displays, software windows, mouse
control, object oriented software, video switching, and personal workstations
to BTL. Supported development (501CC) and exploratory construction
with SST3 test tool, EXCAD wirewrap software, and user-designed VLSI
tools and course. Imported and taught Mead-Conway VLSI design course.
Designed VLSI digital crosspoint chip and built demo PBX using it.
Served as acting department head after Cermak affair. Kept exploratory
effort going. Published "Potpourri" newsletter to keep others abreast
of competition and technology.
11/79-3/81 MTS, Advanced Technology Group
Procured space, people, equipment, parts, etc. to establish new advanced
systems department. Developed SST3 software and hardware. Software
used by many development groups for early test and debugging of designs.
Designed first two voice storage port boards, and supervised third
design, which became Voice Mail project. Work led to AT&T product
known as Audix. Designed and built four board Gnunet (superset of
Ethernet) message handler, consisting of 7 MIP I/O processor and 10
Mhz transmitter/receiver logic. Had one of first 3 working 10 Mbit
Ethernets. Two patents received on message handler work.
11/77-11/79 MTS, Exploratory Systems Group
Invented and implemented test language, compiler, and runtime software
and hardware for SST1 circuit test system. System was used to test
original Antelope boards, and later System 85 boards. Responsible
for integration of original Antelope testbed. Designed shared memory
and breakpoint hardware for that system. Evaluated microprocessors. Tested
first 8086 chips from Intel. Invented dual processor bus structure
used in System 75, Audix, and Kudu exploratory project. Wrote TM on
memory management for microprocessors. Consulted on Bellmac 32 initial
design. Consulted with Intel on 8086, 286, and 386 designs. Worked
on three Antelope (code name for System 85) development task forces-
processors, control structure, and maintenance.
Employment Highlights - US Air Force
11/75-11/78 Director, Computer Systems Lab, DFEE, USAF Academy
Selected over more senior officers. Supervised 10 people implementing
new digital curriculum. Responsible for course design, training, budgeting,
procurement, hardware and software development of microcomputers. Redirected
laboratory from analog to digital in two years. Developed original
material in hardware/software development and microprogramming. Research
consultant. Designed microprocessor controller for NASA shuttle. System
architect for Academy solar house control system. Leader in microprocessor
education. Wrote two texts and designed two laboratory trainers. Educomp trainer has
been used by over 11,000 cadets. Recently was informed by Col.
Klayton that the Academy values them so much that they are going to
build new models to replace the originals, which have worn out. Provided
material to over 90 universities. Invited speaker at conferences
and workshops. Cited as excellent manager and leader. Maintained
high morale and productivity.
7/73-11/75 Associate/Assistant Professor, DFEE, USAF Academy
Did study to determine impact of microprocessors. Correctly predicted
microprocessor and educational revolution. Designed advanced data
acquisition system for AF Weapons Lab. Developed complete microprocessor
development system. Gained outstanding reputation teaching electronics,
systems, design and programming. Promoted to major.
11/69-7/73 Master's and PhD - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sponsored for Master's Degree. Extended for PhD at suggestion of school.
Completed normal 5 year PhD program in 18 months. Worked in all phases
of analog, hybrid, and digital computation. Wrote library programs
for Engineering Research Center. Major areas: computers and control. Minor:
numerical analysis. Thesis: Theory and Design of Precision Digital
Integrators. Built working prototype.
11/68-11/69 Air Liaison Officer/Forward Air Controller - Vietnam
Directed bomb strikes within 300 feet of friendly troops while flying
unarmed light aircraft. Job required quick, sound judgement under
fire. Was given Liaison Officer's job even though not of appropriate
rank. Flew 421 combat missions. Decorated for bravery and valor.
8/65-11/68 Advance Jet Instructor Pilot - Craig AFB, Alabama
Taught flying in T-38 supersonic trainer. Graduated every student
assigned when normal washout rate was 33%. Named Instructor of the
Month. Promoted to 1st Lt. and Captain.
Entrepreneurial Activities
1981-1982 Consulting Engineer
Consultant to Unirad (medical instrumentation) and Cybermedics (medical
instrumentation). I did the software architecture and consulted on
the hardware design and contributed the mathematics processor hardware
and software for the Cybermedics Medistor II. This was the first new
product for Cybermedics, and has been an outstanding success. Cybermedics
in 1983 was no. 79 on the INC. Magazine list of 100 fastest growing
companies in America. Reference- Lockette Wood, President, Cybermedics.
1982 CAD Adventure
In 1982, I was approached by John Melanson of NBI, first for hiring
by NBI, and then as a founder in a low-cost computer-aided-design
venture. I developed initial technical plan and began marketing plan
when Melanson decided to abandon effort and stick with NBI. The company
would have become our version of Cadnetics, which is a spin-off from
NBI doing essentially what we planned to do.
1983-1985 PC Software Business
In April of 1983 I established my own company, MicroMedia, to produce
software for the IBM PC. The first product was "The Exterminator",
a preprocessor program to make Basic language programming easier. Successfully
marketed it until 1985. Learned details of owning a business.
1986-1991 Market Timing Service
Began marketing results of 25 years of stock market study. Published
landmark article showing correlation of market cycles to solar radiation
changes caused by planetary tidal forces. Predicted and actually plotted
in advance the Crash of 1987. Made $14,000 in one day's trading.
basic physical principles and chaotic behavior of inter-related cycles.
Computed and forecast the top of the Japanese stock market within
2 days. Invited by Bob Precter (the best known modern market technician)
to speak to Market Technician's Association Conference. Selected by
Atlanta Constitution for series on leading technical analysts. Developed
large software base of original cycle analysis tools. Conduct scientifically
rigorous research in cycles. Master Clock data set is distributed
by Foundation for the Study of Cycles. Published numerous articles.
Write all ads. Do own P&L, books, and taxes. Take, bill, and ship
orders. Created products that range from $50 to $36000. Consulting
to one client made a $1M difference in price he got for large block
of stock. Another client rescued himself from bankruptcy using my advise.
Forecast bear market of 2000-2003, and the Crash of 2008.
Startup Consultant
Frequently asked for assessment of high technology startup efforts. Correctly
identified Intel as microprocessor leader when they had only 40 people. Correctly
picked VLSI Technology as major success in silicon foundry business. Correctly
predicted that NBI was about to loose its growth momentum when they
were still number 3 in word processing. Correctly assessed that Compression
Labs would deliver their Rembrandt video compressor 2 years later
than they claimed. Correctly predicted success of Cadnetics in CAD
business. Recommended a venture capital firm not invest in a video
switch startup, thereby saving them from a $5 M mistake.
Other Notable Activities
Science Fair Coach
Have coached my son through 6 years of science projects. He has won
over 20 awards, including a trip to NASA and a trip to the International
Science Fair, and First Place, Senior Engineering Division,
Colorado. Invited to be on Colorado delegation to International Fair. Successfully
suggested Science Fair support by the Rocky Mountain Inventor's Congress.
Robotic MicroFactory (1989 project) interested potential investors.
The Optical Brain, an optical neural computer, is the world's first
fiber optic based neural computer.
Architecture/ Interior design
Designed 600 square foot two story solarium, which operates within
5 degrees of projected performance. All visitors comment on esthetics
of airy design. Designer of many furniture pieces including end tables
and wall units. Designs are characterized by clean, airy, warm look. Three
years architectural drawing in high school. Designed and helped build
house at age of 15.
No-Fault Model of Human Thinking
Have developed original model of left brain - right brain operation
which explains every aspect of human thought process. Model permits
impersonal, no-fault analysis and modification of behavior. Have developed
model and techniques over a ten year period, and applied to numerous
problems ranging from career and motivational counseling, to teaching
creative invention. Beginning work on book which describes the model
and applications.
Publications and Presentations
"A TTL Compatible Threshold Gate," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
Dec. l973. Reprinted Jan. l974.
"Theory and Design of Precision Digital Integrators Using Linear Multistep
Integration Methods," PhD Thesis, University of Wisconsin, July l973.
"SIM 8 Microcomputer Handbook," Co-author, Roy L. Schmiesing, USAF
Academy, January l974.
"SIM 8 Microcomputer Handbook Addendum," USAF Academy, February l974.
"Microcomputer Matrix Group Report", Co-authors: G.E. Johnson, R.L.
Schmiesing, D.R. Stevens, C. M. Schade, M. N. Kunrod, USAF Academy,
May l974.
"The Impact of Microprocessor Technology On Systems and Society,"
USAF Academy, April l974.
"Introduction of Microcomputers into an Electrical Engineering Curriculum,"
IEEE Compcon Fall, 1974. (Invited)
"Introduction of Microcomputers into an Electrical Engineering Curriculum,"
Eighth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems, and Computers, December
l974. (Invited)
"A Versatile Serial I/O Card for the 8080," USAF Academy, May 1975.
"Some Questions and Answers About Microprocessors," USAF Academy,
June 1975.
"Educomp Handbook," USAF Academy, June l975.
"How To Write System Equations," USAF Academy, November l975.
"The AFWL Digital Data Acquisition System," USAF Academy, April l976.
"High-Speed Automatic Data Acquisition System Operating Procedures,"
Air Force Weapons Laboratory, May 1976.
"Structured System Development," USAF Academy, November 1976.
"Microprocessor in Automatic Control", International Federation of
Automatic Control Conference, Oct. 1977. (Invited)
"Edumicro Cadet Handbook," USAF Academy, January l977.
"PCM Coding at the Source", co-author, Josef F. Schneider, Air Force
Weapons Laboratory, July 1977.
"Computer Track Formulation," USAF Academy, October l977.
"Computer Track Development," USAF Academy, October l977.
"Computer Track Support," USAF Academy, October l977.
"Teaching Experience with IC Technology," IEEE Computer Society Workshop
on Microprocessor Education, University of Maryland, College Park,
MD, November l977. (invited)
"Mass Storage for the Next Generation PBX," Bell Laboratories, December
"Memory Management for Microprocessors," Bell Laboratories TM 78-3243-01,
July 1978.
"LSI-11 Support Software and Firmware," Bell Laboratories EN DR-3245-
790419.01 April l979.
"SST - A Simple Sequential Test System," Bell Laboratories EN DR-3245-790620.01,
June 1979.
"SLS - A Simple Logic Simulator on UNIX," Bell Laboratories EN DR-3245-790725.01,
July l979.
"The Slaying of the Priests" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems,
January 1980.
"The New Order" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems, January 1980.
"Architectural Recommendation for a High Performance Message Handler,"
Bell Laboratories EN 3243-800220.01, February l980.
"The American Renaissance" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems,
May 1980.
"l98l Exploratory Progress Report," Bell Laboratories MF 44261-8202110.0.
February 1982.
"Some Thoughts on the Purpose of Office Automation," Bell Laboratories
MF 44261-820210.02, February 1982.
"Exploratory Work Plans," Bell Laboratories EN, August l982.
"Some Notes on a Study of Ada," Bell Laboratories TM 45192-001, October
"The Message Handler Problem," co-author L.K. Pederson, Bell Laboratories
TM 500-02122-1, March 1983.
"Workstations for CAD," Bell Laboratories EN, October l983.
"C Compilers for Microcomputers", talk, AT&T and CSU, November 1983.
"Are You Ready for the Information Age?", talk, CSU, April 1985.
"Integrated Voice, Data, and Video", talk, AT&T, September 1983.
"Integrated Voice, Data, Video Services", (video tape), AT&T, Jan.
"Report on the Video Issue" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems,
April l984.
"The Campus of the Future at the University of Pittsburgh - Dr. Ray
Steele" (introduction and producer only), (video tape), AT&T Information
Systems, March l984.
"Report on the Video Issue" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems,
April l984.
"Integrated Voice, Date, and Video Service" (video tape), AT&T Information
Systems, December, l984.
"Video Switching" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems, March l985.
"Video Switch Technical Review" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems,
March l985.
"The Emerging Video Information Systems" (video tape), AT&T Information
Systems, March l985.
"Video Information System Tutorial", AT&T Information Systems, Dec
"Outlook for Project Cheetah" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems,
Feb 1986.
"Wideband Information System, Snapshot of an Emerging Product" (video
tape), AT&T Information Systems, March 1986.
"The Computer as a Building Block in a Video Information System",
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers Annual Conference,
Oct 1986. (Invited)
"Cheetah at 3 Years" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems, March
"AT&T Visual Systems, New Venture Prospectus", AT&T BTL, Dec 1987.
"Megadesk" (video tape), AT&T Information Systems, March 1989.
"Video on Fiber in the Campus of the Future" (taped), International
Society of Optical Engineers (SPIE) OE.Fibers `89 Symposium, Sept
1989 (invited)
"How the PBX Business Could Become A Box Business", AT&T BTL, August
"How W. D. Gann Tipped Me On R. H. Macy", Technical Analysis of Stocks
and Commodities, Sep. 1986.
"Profit Stalker II", (software review), Technical Analysis of Stocks
and Commodities, Oct. 1986.
"Gann Trader I", (software review), Technical Analysis of Stocks and
Commodities, Feb. 1987.
"Gann Made Easy", (book/course review), Technical Analysis of Stocks
and Commodities, Mar. 1988.
"Options 80", (software review), Technical Analysis of Stocks and
Commodities, Nov. 1988.
"Personal Options Advisor", (software review), Technical Analysis
of Stocks and Commodities, Nov. 1987.
"Option Evaluator", (software review), Technical Analysis of Stocks
and Commodities, Sep. 1989.
"In Search of the Cause of Cycles", Technical Analysis of Stocks and
Commodities, Mar. 1987.
"In Search of the Cause of Cycles", Cycles, Sep./Oct. 1987.
"In Search of the Cause of the Crash of '87", Cycles, Dec. 1987.
"Cycles Without Tears", Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities,
Dec. 1987.
"Using Gann With Market AstroPhysics", Gann and Elliott Wave, Nov./Dec.
"In Search of Truly Scientific Correlations", MTA Conference, May
1989. (invited)
"Trade Like a Cheetah", Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities,
Oct 1989.
Continuing Education Courses Taken
C Programming (Richie)
Internals of Unix (Brandt)
Structured Programming (Jackson, Yourdon)
Operating Systems (CU-Gary Nutt)
Computer Architecture (CU dropped, so I taught internally)
68000 Design Seminar (Motorola)
High Speed Memory Design (Intel)
Solar Design Workshop (SERI)
FDDI/TAXI Design Workshop (HP/ADM)
The AT&T Marketing Course (by Warton)
Financial Planning with the Mobley Matrix
(financial management process used by IBM)
Commercializing Creativity (RMIC)
Management and Professional Development
New Age Thinking (Lou Tice)
Time Management (Stephen & Stephen)
Managerial Effectiveness (Stephen & Stephen)
Sensitivity Awareness Workshop
Aids in the Workplace
Cultural Differences in the Workplace
Women in the Workplace
Personal Effectiveness (B. Morris)
Quality Awareness Workshop (Kelly)
Productivity and Quality Management Workshop (Kelly)
Process Quality Management and Improvement (Kelly)
(became instructor for this course)
That's more than you ever wanted to know !